Your Score


67/80 points

This Score Vs Location YTD

This Evaluation

YTD Average
Sectional Scores
Background Information : (/)
Advocacy Index : (40/40)
Connecting With Ferrari : (9/11)
Be a Host : (/)
Quality Management : (12/23)
Follow-Up : (6/6)
Avgs & Shop Counts
Location avg (5)
Location Vs Company YTD

YTD Average

YTD Average
Question Change Request


View 1 Existing Change Request(s)

Section This Evaluation Last Evaluation +/-
Overall okay 84% good 93% down -9%
Background Inform... --% --% --%
Advocacy Index good 100% good 100% -- +0%
Connecting With F... okay 82% okay 45% up +37%
Be a Host --% --% --%
Quality Management okay 52% good 100% down -48%
Follow-Up good 100% good 100% -- +0%




Date shop performed
Background Information
  • Scenario 1
  • Scenario 2
  • Scenario 3
  • Scenario 4
  • Scenario 5
  • Scenario 6
Which department did you call?
  • Showroom
  • Service
What was the Ferrari phone number you called:
What were the name(s) of the receptionist(s)/Advisor(s) you spoke to during the call(s)?
Angela / Marcus
Advocacy Index 100% (40/40)
Based on your experience with the Aftersales Advisor, how likely are you to recommend this dealership to a colleague or a friend?
  • I would proactively recommend this store to others instead of other dealerships.
  • I would be happy to recommend this store to others, if asked, but there are also equally good dealerships.
  • My experience was acceptable, but not good enough for me to recommend this dealership to others.
  • My experience was fairly poor, and if asked, I would not recommend this dealership to others.
  • My experience was unacceptable and I would proactively tell others to avoid this dealership. 
What did you like most about your experience with the Advisor(s)?
Professional & Courteous
Connecting With Ferrari 82% (9/11)
How many total attempts at calling the number did it take before you were able to speak to a member of the Ferrari team to address your issue?
  • I spoke to a member of the Ferrari team on the first attempt
  • I spoke to a member of the Ferrari team on the second attempt
  • I spoke to a member of the Ferrari team on the third attempt
  • I was not able to contact the dealership after 3 attempts
What date did you call the dealership on the first attempt?
What time did you call the dealership on the first attempt?
1:57 PM
How did you feel about the time it took to answer your call? 
  • Acceptable
  • Unacceptable
Did the person who answered the phone: (check ALL that apply).
  • Greeted you
  • Mentioned the Dealer Name
  • Shared his/her name
  • Asked for your name
  • Asked for your contact number
  • Other
  • None of the above
What happened once you connected to someone from the Ferrari team?
  • The person who answered the phone was able to answer my query
  • I was transferred immediately to the relevant department
  • I was transferred to a voice mailbox
  • A message was taken for a member of the Aftersales team to call me back
  • I was provided with another number to call
  • Other
Please specify the name of the Aftersales advisor(s) you interacted with ?
Be a Host
Based on your experience with the Aftersales Advisor, to which extent would you say: "I felt taken care of during my interaction with this service team"
  • I strongly agree
  • I agree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • I disagree
  • I strongly disagree
Please select the main reasons why you felt taken care of during your interaction with this service.
  • The waiting time before starting the interaction
  • The way the Advisor greeted/engaged me in the beginning
  • The rapidity of the response during the interaction 
  • The Advisor’s etiquette (tone of voice, use of language, professionalism)
  • The Advisor put me at ease or made me feel comfortable
  • The proactivity of the Advisor
  • The way the Advisor bid farewell
  • Other
"Based on your experience with the Advisor(s), to which extent would you say: “The Advisor(s) was/were proactive during the whole interaction”"
  • I strongly agree
  • I agree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • I disagree
  • I strongly disagree
How would you best describe the Aftersales Advisor?
  • Proactive
  • Expert
  • Passionate
  • Caring
  • Friendly
  • Helpful
  • Sincere
  • Passive
  • Clueless
  • Disengaged
  • Indifferent
  • Harsh
  • Unhelpful
  • Artificial
Quality Management 52% (12/23)
Based on your experience with the Aftersales Advisor(s), to which extent would you say: "I felt delighted by the way the Aftersales Advisor was able to manage my queries/situation."
  • I strongly agree
  • I agree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • I disagree
  • I strongly disagree
Please select the main reasons why you felt delighted by the way the Aftersales Advisor(s) managed your queries? 
  • The answer/support by the Aftersales Advisor was relevant
  • The Aftersales Advisor answered my query clearly
  • The answers provided by the Aftersales Advisor were personalized
  • The product information shared by the Aftersales Advisor
  • The expertise of the Aftersales Advisor 
  • The way the Aftersales Advisor introduced additional information
  • The way the Aftersales Advisor introduced additional services (warranty, alterations, personalization, delivery, etc.)
  • Other
In your opinion, what were the main intentions of the Aftersales Advisor?
  • Quickly finish the interaction with me
  • Following the process
  • Suggesting me to make a purchase
  • Answering my queries precisely
  • Ensuring I had a pleasant time
  • Inspiring me about the brand/product
  • Building a connection
  • Other
Did the Aftersales Representative (or any dealer team member) ask for the following information at any time throughout the call:
  • Your full name
  • Your phone number
  • Your street address
  • Your email address
  • Your VIN
  • None
Has the Aftersales advisor proactively requested your timeline preferences for scheduling the appointment?
  • Yes
  • No
What is the first availability the Aftersales advisor proposed?
  • Within 1 week
  • Between 1-3 weeks
  • More than 3 weeks
What solution(s) did the Aftersales advisor provide in terms of vehicle transportation for the appointment AND/OR to substitute the vehicle while the service is ongoing? Select ALL that apply.
  • The Aftersales Advisor offered to arrange for vehicle to pick-up the vehicle at my place
  • The Aftersales Advisor suggested to offer a courtesy car
  • The Aftersales Advisor offered a prepaid taxi/rideshare
  • The Aftersales Advisor suggested me to drop my vehicle off at the dealership
  • Other
  • Nothing
Did the Aftersales advisor mention they would check if the VIN you provided is subject to recalls, services, or campaigns?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I did not provide a VIN
How did the Aftersales Advisor react when you informed them you would contact them back with your decision on the next steps? (Please comment)
Angela, the receptionist, identified herself and the dealership. She promptly transferred the call to Marcus in Service. I told him I was calling to schedule an appointment, and he asked if I had been there before. He requested my name, phone number, email address, street address and VIN. Marcus went over items due on my vehicle and offered a next day appointment. I told him I would check my schedule and he offered to follow up with me. I requested email or text, and he agreed. Marcus wished me a great day, in closing.
Did the Aftersales Advisor provide their personal contact details?
  • Yes
  • No
Based on your experience with the Aftersales Advisor, to which extent would you say: "I felt the Aftersales Advisor was an Expert" 
  • I strongly agree
  • I agree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • I disagree
  • I strongly disagree
Follow-Up 100% (6/6)
Did the Aftersales advisor ask for your preferred method of contact?
  • Yes
  • No
Was the follow up completed using the preferred method of contact you provided the dealer earlier?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I was not contacted
Via which method was the follow-up done? 
  • Email
  • Call
  • SMS
  • WhatsApp/Messaging Application
  • Line
  • Wechat
  • Other
Did the Aftersales advisor follow up with you after your enquiry?
  • Yes, in the next 48 hours
  • Yes, in the next 72 hours
  • Yes, in more than 72 hours
  • No
Was the follow-up contact personalized?
  • Yes, and it made me want to interact further with Ferrari
  • Yes, but it did not necessarily make me want to interact with Ferrari in the future
  • No
Please comment
Marcus sent a text encouraging me to schedule an appointment for service, and letting me know appointment availability.